Co-authors Jorge Díaz and Deymirie Hernández of Agitarte are making their way across the nation celebrating the launch of WHEN WE FIGHT, WE WIN!: Twenty-First-Century Social Movements and the Activists That Are Transforming Our World. Come thumb through the pages of this handsome book while making lively conversation with people we build with right here in Hartford. Delight in the authors’ loving depictions of seminal initiatives gaining traction in the fight towards same-sex marriage, public education, immigrant rights, environmental justice, economic power, and an end to mass incarceration.
When: Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: The Center for Contemporary Culture, Hartford Public Library (Main Branch), 500 Main Street, Hartford, CT.
Who: Open to the Public
Featured Speakers and Groups: AgitArte, Papel Machete, Unidad Latina en Acción, Bishop John Selders, (Stay tuned for more…)
Learn more about the book here on this video:
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